Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to William Plumer, 21 June 1818

To William Plumer

Monticello June 21. 18.

Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Governor Plumer, and his thanks for the copy of his message, recieved yesterday. it is replete as usual with principles of wisdom. nothing needs correction with all our legislatures so much as the unsound principles of legislation on which they act generally. the only remedy seems to be in an improved system of education. he is happy in every occasion of saluting Govr Plumer with friendship and respect.

PoC (ViW: TC-JP); on verso of an address cover from TJ to William Tilghman; dateline at foot of text; endorsement by TJ torn.

Index Entries

  • Jefferson, Thomas; Opinions on; legislatures search
  • Message from His Excellency The Governor of New-Hampshire, To The Legislature, June 4, 1818 (W. Plumer) search
  • New Hampshire; legislature of search
  • Plumer, William; gubernatorial addresses of search
  • Plumer, William; letters to search
  • Plumer, William; Message from His Excellency The Governor of New-Hampshire, To The Legislature, June 4, 1818 search