Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Reuben Haines, 18 May 1818

To Reuben Haines

Monticello May 18. 18.

I am truly thankful, Sir, for the honor done me by the Academy of Natural sciences of Philadelphia in electing me a corresponding member of their society. at an earlier period of life I might have endeavored to deserve it in fact, but now can only do it by good wishes for it’s success, & by assurances that I should be gratified by any occasion of being useful to it.

I am particularly gratified by the perusal of the journal you have been so kind as to send me; in which I find many distinguished papers on subjects of much interest. be so good, Sir, as to present my sincere acknolegements to the Academy, and to accept yourself the assurance of my high respect.

Th: Jefferson

RC (PHC: Robert B. Haines III Collection); addressed: “Mr Reuben Haines Corresponding Secretary of the Academy of Natural sciences Philadelphia”; franked; postmarked Charlottesville, 21 May; endorsed by Haines as received 24 May 1818 and read by the Academy two days later. PoC (DLC); on verso of reused address cover of Thomas Cooper to TJ, 20 Feb. 1818; endorsed by TJ.

Index Entries

  • Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; journal of search
  • Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; TJ elected to search
  • Haines, Reuben; and Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia search
  • Haines, Reuben; letter to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; receives works search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Honors & Memberships; Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, membership search
  • Philadelphia; Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia search