Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jordan to Thomas Jefferson, 13 May 1818

From Thomas Jordan

Washington 13th May 1818


I took the liberty of applying to you for the above amt by Letter dated some weeks back, requesting you would have the kindness to remit me the amt to the care of Doctor May of this City, but as I have not had the pleasure of hearing from you, I presume it must have escaped your recollection, therefore beg leave to remind you, which hope you’ll pardon

Having received all the Subscriptions here, I purpose leaving this city tomorrow for Baltimore, where I shall remain for some days, and shall feel honoured by your reply with the above amount, to care of Doctor Stewart Army & Navy Surgn &c Baltimore

Remain Sir most Respectfully yrs &c

Thos Jordan

[at head of text:]
Honble Thos Jefferson To Kimber & Richardson   }
Philadelphia Dr
1814— To 3 Volumes of the Emporium of Arts & Sciences new Series } $10.50

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 20 May 1818 and so recorded in SJL; additional notation by TJ: “Newspapers.”

Index Entries

  • Emporium of Arts & Sciences; TJ subscribes to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; subscriptions search
  • Jordan, Thomas; andEmporium of Arts & Sciences search
  • Jordan, Thomas; letters from search
  • Kimber & Richardson (Philadelphia firm); andEmporium of Arts & Sciences search
  • May, Frederick; receives payments search
  • Stewart, William (of Baltimore); receives payment search
  • subscriptions, for publications; journals search