Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 13 May 1818

To Patrick Gibson

Monticello May 13. 18.

Dear Sir

on my return to this place I found here your letter of May 4. but on enquiry from my grandson, to whom I had written from Bedford to request his immediate transmission of an order in your favor on the bank of the US. he told me he had forwarded one on the 4th inst. the day of the date of your letter. presuming therefore that it has been recieved, I must now pray you to make the remittance which was the chief object of obtaining the discount, that is to say to Messrs Leroy & Bayard of New York, my 2d of the three instalments to them of 2083.D. 20 cents each with interest from Jan. 1. 1816. till paid. this being now due, [I] inform them by the present mail that they may soon expect the remittance thro’ you. I salute you with friendship & respect

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of Jedidiah Morse to TJ, 24 Feb. 1818; one word faint; at foot of text: “Mr Gibson”; endorsed by TJ.

my grandson: Thomas Jefferson Randolph.

Index Entries

  • Bank of the United States, Second, Richmond branch of; Richmond branch of (subentry to be split apart as time permits) search
  • Bank of the United States, Second, Richmond branch of; TJ’s loan from search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and payments made for TJ search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s loan from Second Bank of U.S. search
  • Gibson, Patrick; letters to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; debt to N. & J. & R. van Staphorst search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; loan from Second Bank of U.S. search
  • LeRoy, Bayard & Company (New York firm); and TJ’s debt to N. & J. & R. van Staphorst search
  • Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (TJ’s grandson; Jane Hollins Nicholas Randolph’s husband); and TJ’s financial transactions search