Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Mathew Carey, 10 May 1818

To Mathew Carey

Monticello May 10. 18.

Dear Sir

On my return after an absence of 3. or 4. weeks I find here your favors of Apr. 11. and 18. the miniature bible and the books which came thro Capt Peyton. I will pray you now to send me the 3. books below mentioned, and also to bear in mind a former request of Chipman’s book, the select addresses & Bridgman.

the books below mentioned might come by mail, if sent one by one & at a week’s distance from one another so as not to overburthen any one of our Charlottesville mails. the route by water is tedious. send the Virgil first. I salute you with friendship & respect

Th: Jefferson

Virgil. the Delphin edition with English notes

De viris illustribus Romae. Hardie’s edn of N. York with a dictionary at the end

McMahon’s gardening.

RC (PHi: George M. Conarroe Autograph Collection); at foot of text: “Mr Carey”; endorsed by Carey as received 15 May 1818 and answered the following day. PoC (DLC); endorsed by TJ.

Index Entries

  • Adams, John; A Selection of the Patriotic Addresses, to the President of the United States. together with The President’s Answers (ed. W. Austin) search
  • An Analytical Digested Index of the Reported Cases in the Several Courts of Equity, and the high Court of Parliament (R. W. Bridgman) search
  • A Selection of the Patriotic Addresses, to the President of the United States. together with The President’s Answers (ed. W. Austin) search
  • Austin, William; editsA Selection of the Patriotic Addresses, to the President of the United States. together with The President’s Answers search
  • Bible; miniature edition of search
  • Bible; TJ acquires copies of search
  • Bridgman, Richard Whalley; An Analytical Digested Index of the Reported Cases in the Several Courts of Equity, and the high Court of Parliament search
  • Carey, Mathew; and books for TJ search
  • Carey, Mathew; letters to search
  • Chipman, Nathaniel; Sketches of the Principles of Government search
  • Delphin edition; TJ on search
  • De Viris Illustribus Urbis Romæ (J. Hardie) search
  • gardening; books on search
  • Hardie, James; De Viris Illustribus Urbis Romæ search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; and Delphin editions search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; orders books search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; receives works search
  • La Rue, Charles de; editsOpera. Interpretatione et Notis (Virgil; Delphin edition) search
  • law; books on search
  • McMahon, Bernard; The American Gardener’s Calendar search
  • Opera. Interpretatione et Notis (Virgil; Delphin edition; ed. C. de La Rue) search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and goods for TJ search
  • Sketches of the Principles of Government (N. Chipman) search
  • The American Gardener’s Calendar (B. McMahon) search
  • Virgil; Opera. Interpretatione et Notis (Delphin edition; ed. C. de La Rue) search