Thomas Jefferson Papers

William F. Gray to Thomas Jefferson, 8 May 1818

From William F. Gray

Fred,burg May 8th 1818


By the next stage that leaves this place for Charlotesville, I will forward to you a Box which has been addressed to my care,—I presume by Mr Milligan.

It gives me much pleasure to be thus able to serve you.


Wm F. Gray

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 11 May 1818 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Charles Simms, 30 July 1818, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson, Esq. Montecello”; franked; postmarked Fredericksburg, 10 May.

Index Entries

  • Gray, William Fairfax; and transmission of packages to and from TJ search
  • Gray, William Fairfax; letters from search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • Milligan, Joseph; sends books to TJ search