Thomas Jefferson Papers

John Vaughan to Thomas Jefferson, 7 May 1818

From John Vaughan

Philad. May 7th1 1818

Dear sir.

Your favor of 8 April desiring me to remit to Europe 1000$ which Mr Patrick Gibson of Richmond was to remit to me on your ℀—& also his of 4 May Informing he could not procure a Dft & desiring me to Draw—are both this moment received—I shall negociate the Dft as speedily as may be—& procure the Dfts on Paris to lodge there for the payment of

120$  Value to  Mess.  DeBure freres Booksellers Paris
420 Catalan Marseilles
460. Thos Appleton Leghorn

I shall apply tomorrow to Mr Girard & if he will supply a Bill shall procure it from him, otherwise from Mess LeRoy Bayard & Co of New York from whom I am in the habit of procuring them—

You shall be advised of my proceedings

I remain with great respect Yours sincerly

Jn Vaughan

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 13 May 1818 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Patrick Gibson, 30 July 1818, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Monticello Va”; franked; postmarked Philadelphia, 7 May.

1Reworked from “6th.”

Index Entries

  • Appleton, Thomas; account with TJ search
  • Cathalan, Stephen (Étienne) (1757–1819); account with TJ search
  • de Bure Frères (Paris firm); TJ’s account with search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and payments made for TJ search
  • Girard, Stephen; and TJ’s lines of credit search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; lines of credit in Europe search
  • LeRoy, Bayard & Company (New York firm); and TJ’s lines of credit in Europe search
  • Vaughan, John; and TJ’s lines of credit in Europe search
  • Vaughan, John; letters from search
  • Vaughan, John; makes payments for TJ search