Thomas Jefferson Papers

John Hollins to Thomas Jefferson, 10 April 1818

From John Hollins

Baltimore 10th April 1818

Dear sir

Your esteemed favor of the 5th Inst came to hand yesterday, its contents shall not fail to have my particular attention, a vessel is daily expected from Leghorn, called the Strong, & as there is pretty frequent communication between the two ports, it is probable the stone cutters may soon arrive, that however depends upon the time your letter may have been received by Mr Appleton, at all events it may be well that you give me information on that head, that I may be on the look out, or in case of my absence from the City, that I may be enabled to leave directions with my Sons, or Mr McBlair, to do the needful

I beg you will at all times freely command my services, either on your own account or any other in which you may feel an interest, particularly as respects the erection of the College in your neighbourhood, to which I sincerely wish every possible success1 & with pleasure do I reiterate to you the assurance of my constant friendship and respect

Jno Hollins

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 6 May 1818 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Horatio G. Spafford, 28 June 1818, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr Monticello”; franked; postmarked Baltimore, 10 Apr.

Michael mcblair was John Hollins’s business partner from at least 1802 until 1822 (Baltimore Republican, or Anti-Democrat, 26 May 1802; The Baltimore Directory, for 1817–18 [Baltimore, 1817], 91, 133; MdHi: McBlair Papers).

1Preceding two words interlined in place of “good may attend it.”

Index Entries

  • Appleton, Thomas; and stonecutters search
  • Central College; construction of search
  • Central College; stonecutters for search
  • Hollins, John; and stonecutters search
  • Hollins, John; family of search
  • Hollins, John; letters from search
  • Italy; stonecutters from search
  • McBlair, Michael; as Baltimore merchant search
  • Strong (brig) search