Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to John Armstrong, 20 March 1818

To John Armstrong

Monticello Mar. 20. 18.

Dear General

A M. Jullien, one of the literati of France proposes to write the history of Genl Kosciuzko, and requests me to obtain for him the materials for that part of it which he passed in the service of the US. of this I know nothing myself, for I believe I hardly knew Kosciuzko personally during the revolutionary war. our intimacy began on his last visit to America. I imagine you knew more of him during the war than any body else, and if you will be so good as to give a sketch of his transactions here, you will oblige M. Jullien & myself, and serve the memory of our deceased friend. this may be a mere skeleton of facts & dates, or filled in whatever degree your memory and convenience admits, as you please.

I am surprised I recieve no authentic document of the death of the General. surely he had some friend who will send me such an one. it would be problematical to claim administration in our courts on newspaper information. I do not think I can myself undertake the execution of his trust. if I do not, I will find some one of the most unquestionable trustworthiness to undertake it, and will take care as soon as regularly authorised to have due attention paid to the interest of your son. I salute you with entire friendship and respect

Th: Jefferson

RC (ICPRCU); addressed: “General John Armstrong Red-Hook. N.Y.”; franked; postmarked Milton, 21 Mar. PoC (ViU: TJP); on verso of reused address cover of missing letter from Matthew Brown to TJ, 26 Jan. 1818 (see note to TJ to Brown, 15 Jan. 1818); mutilated at seal; endorsed by TJ.

Armstrong’s reply to TJ of 10 Apr. 1818, not found, is recorded in SJL as received 6 May 1818 from Red Hook. TJ used the verso of the address cover of that letter (RC in MHi; address cover only; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr late President of the U.S. Monticello”; stamp canceled; franked; postmarked Red Hook, N.Y., 10 Apr.) for the PoC of his letter to Bernard Peyton of 28 June 1818.

Index Entries

  • Armstrong, James Kosciuszko; and T. Kosciuszko’s estate search
  • Armstrong, John; and proposed biography of T. Kosciuszko search
  • Armstrong, John; and T. Kosciuszko’s estate search
  • Armstrong, John; letter from accounted for search
  • Armstrong, John; letters to search
  • books; biographical search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; and T. Kosciuszko’s estate search
  • Jullien, Marc Antoine; proposes biography of T. Kosciuszko search
  • Kosciuszko, Tadeusz (Thaddeus) Andrzej Bonawentura; death of search
  • Kosciuszko, Tadeusz (Thaddeus) Andrzej Bonawentura; estate of search
  • Kosciuszko, Tadeusz (Thaddeus) Andrzej Bonawentura; proposed biography of search