Thomas Jefferson Papers

Patrick Gibson to Thomas Jefferson, with Postscript by John G. Robert (for Gibson), 23 February 1818

From Patrick Gibson, with Postscript by John G. Robert (for Gibson)

Richmond 23d Feby 1818—


I this morning received your favor of the 18th Inst and have as you direct remitted to Mr Josh Milligan of Geo:town $100 I have also remitted to Mr David Gelston of New York $103.18x for Duties and charges on sundries paid by him on your account—I credit your account with $500 remitted to me by A. Robertson by direction of Joel Yancey—On the 6th Inst I received 50 bls: flour by T1 E. Randolph’s boat, which I sold to A. & J. Otis at 10½$ on 60d/– and on the 16th I received by Willm Johnson’s boats 107 bls (77 Srf: 30 fine) of which I have sold 46 bls Srf: at 10½$ Cash, and should have been much pleased to have included the whole, it is declining to the North, and of course very dull here, 10$ is offer’d—sales I understand were made on Saturday at 10¼$ on time—our Millers are giving 13/6 and in one instance 14/ for wheat of course they cannot afford to take less than 11$—   With much respect I am Your obt Sert

Patrick Gibson

   Duties $ 74.32
fret 24.36
Entry & storage  4.50  $103.18x2

the Fifty bls mentioned on the other side as sold to A & J Otis were recd on the 26th Ulto. 50 bls were also recd on the 6th Inst & 107 as over—46 of the 50 recd 6th were sold William[s] & not of the 107—of course 111 bls are still on hand 30 of wh[ich] are fine—

for P.G. J. G. Robert

RC (MHi); edge trimmed; with body of letter, first signature, and author’s footnote in Gibson’s hand; note adjacent to signature: “P.T.O.” (for “Please Turn Over”) and postscript on verso in Robert’s hand; endorsed by TJ as received 1 Mar. 1818 from Gibson & Jefferson and so recorded in SJL. RC (ViW: TC-JP); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Quinette de Rochemont, 18 May 1818, on recto and verso; addressed in a different clerk’s hand: “Thomas Jefferson Esq Monticello”; franked; postmarked Richmond, 24 Feb.

srf: “superfine.”

1Initial interlined.

2Recto ends here.

Index Entries

  • Asa & Joseph Otis (Richmond firm); buys TJ’s flour search
  • boats; transfer goods and people to and from Richmond search
  • flour; price of search
  • flour; sale of search
  • flour; transported to Richmond search
  • Gelston, David; and wine for TJ search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and payments made for TJ search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s flour search
  • Gibson, Patrick; letters from search
  • Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); account with TJ search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; sells flour search
  • Johnson, William (boatman); transports flour to Richmond search
  • Milligan, Joseph; TJ pays search
  • Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); flour from search
  • Randolph, Thomas Eston (TJ’s cousin); boats of, transfer goods search
  • Richmond, Va.; boats transfer goods and people to and from search
  • Richmond, Va.; flour prices at search
  • Richmond, Va.; flour shipped to search
  • Robert, John Gibson; clerk for Gibson & Jefferson search
  • Robertson, Archibald; agent for TJ search
  • taxes; customs search
  • taxes; on wine search
  • Williams, Edward; buys TJ’s flour search
  • wine; sent to TJ search
  • wine; tariff on search
  • Yancey, Joel (d.1833); as superintendent of Poplar Forest search