Daniel Brent to Thomas Jefferson, 19 February 1818
From Daniel Brent
Wasn, Dept of State, feby 19. 1818.
Dear Sir,
I have just had the Honor of receiving a note from you, dated the 15th of this month, which enclosed a letter to1 Mr Gallatin, that I will take great pleasure in forwarding, agreeably to your request. I am, Dear Sir, with the highest Respect and sentiments of sincere Esteem,
Your Obedt and very humble servt
Daniel Brent.
RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 25 Feb. 1818 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Lewis D. Belair, 10 May 1818, on verso; addressed (trimmed): “Mr Jefferson, M[. . .]”; postmarked Washington, 19 Feb.
TJ’s note to Brent of 15 Feb. 1818 is not recorded in SJL and has not been found.
1. Manuscript: “from.”