Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson’s Statement of Taxable Property in Albemarle County, 1 February 1818

Statement of Taxable Property in Albemarle County

A list of the taxable property of the subscriber in Albemarle Feb. 1.1 1818. 4896⅓ acres of land.

2. white tythes to wit E. Bacon and myself.

48. slaves of 16. and upwards.
7. do of 12. and not 16.

15. horses and mules

1. gigg. and 1. 4. wheeled carriage

Th: Jefferson

MS (MHi); written entirely in TJ’s hand on verso of portion of reused address cover to TJ; endorsed by TJ: “Sheriff. Albem, Taxes of 1818.”

The Virginia General Assembly set property tax rates for 1818 in a law enacted on 18 Feb. of that year (Acts of Assembly description begins Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia (cited by session; title varies over time) description ends [1817–18 sess.], 3–4). tythes: “tithables.”

1Word interlined.

Index Entries

  • Albemarle County, Va.; Statement of TJ’s Taxable Property in Albemarle County search
  • Bacon, Edmund; Monticello overseer search
  • carriages; gigs search
  • carriages; landaus search
  • carriages; taxes on search
  • horses; taxes on search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; pays taxes search
  • Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); taxes on search
  • mules; taxes on search
  • slaves; taxes on search
  • taxes; on carriages search
  • taxes; on free whites search
  • taxes; on horses and mules search
  • taxes; on land search
  • taxes; on slaves search
  • taxes; Statement of Taxable Property in Albemarle County search
  • taxes; TJ pays search
  • Virginia; General Assembly search
  • Virginia; taxes in search
  • whites; taxes on search