Thomas Jefferson Papers

Gales & Seaton to Thomas Jefferson, 26 January 1818

From Gales & Seaton

Office of the Natl Intelligencer Jan 26. 1818

Honored Sir

Hereto adjoined is a copy of a Circular we have addressed to each Member of both Houses of Congress. We consider the work therein suggested important to the public; and feel otherwise little anxiety as to the result. We consider it but respectful to advise you of our views, since, if the work is undertaken, we shall resort with conf[i]dence to your advice and direction, as to the authorities proper to be consulted, and the sources whence to look for the most correct materials.

With the highest respect we are Your obt Servants

Gales & Seaton

RC (DLC); in the hand of Joseph Gales; mutilated at seal; addressed: “Hon. Thomas Jefferson Monticello Viga”; franked; inconsistently postmarked Washington, 25 Jan.; endorsed by TJ as a letter of 26 Jan. 1818 received two days later and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • Congress, U.S.; publication of proceedings of search
  • Gales & Seaton (Washington firm); andNational Intelligencer search
  • Gales & Seaton (Washington firm); and publication of congressional proceedings search
  • Gales & Seaton (Washington firm); letters from search
  • National Intelligencer (Washington newspaper); offices of search