Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Carstairs to Thomas Jefferson, 26 January 1818

From Thomas Carstairs

Philad 26th Jany 1818

Honoud Sir

I received both your letters and regreat much that an acknowledgment had not been mad before this time, but I am sure you will forgive me when I tell you that I have been confind upward of sixteen mounth, by an accident in one of my feet that hais caused great debilitude and low steate of health—about ten days ago Dr Physick extracted a bone from my foot supposed to be the last of the falty, since I feel much better and hais been able to make further enquirey as to the present prices of carpentrey. I have sent You Mr Careys book of prices after compairing it with—the other book I find the only material diffrence is this new book allows about twenty percent on floors & ten percent on common stairs more than the book I have sent you, our present working prices and for some years past, is from ten to twenty percent discount from the book prices or what is generaly termd the old price

The expence of a measurer from Philad would not cost much, if you should want one, three percent is a regular charge and pays there own expences—I dare say would be agreed to—   with respect

Tho Carstairs

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 7 Feb. 1818 and so recorded in SJL.

For the book of prices published by Mathew Carey in 1812 and the other book, see notes to Mathew Carey & Son to TJ, 18 Dec. 1817, and TJ to Carstairs, 1 Nov. 1817, respectively.

Index Entries

  • Articles of the Carpenters Company of the City and County of Philadelphia: and their Rules for measuring and valuing House Carpenters Work search
  • books; of builders’ prices search
  • Carey, Mathew; publishesThe House Carpenters’ Book of Prices search
  • Carpenters’ Company of the City and County of Philadelphia; Articles of the Carpenters Company of the City and County of Philadelphia: and their Rules for measuring and valuing House Carpenters Work search
  • Carstairs, Thomas; and builders’ prices search
  • Carstairs, Thomas; health of search
  • Carstairs, Thomas; letter from search
  • Central College; builders for search
  • Central College; construction of search
  • health; podiatric search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • medicine; operations search
  • Philadelphia; builders’ prices in search
  • Physick, Philip Syng; as physician search
  • The House Carpenters’ Book of Prices, and Rules for measuring and valuing all their different kinds of work; published by M. Carey search