Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Pascal E. Hubbard, 18 January 1818

To Pascal E. Hubbard

Monticello Jan. 18. 18.


Your favor of the 9th is recieved making enquiry concerning a mr Thomas A. Massillon who1 names me as one ‘well acquainted with him.’ of the thousands who in the course of a long & public life, may have been introduced to me, my memory cannot be trusted to affirm that there never was one of that name. I certainly do not recollect ever having seen a person of that name, and am quite sure I never was acquainted much less well acquainted with one.

With this information be pleased to accept the assurance of my respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover to TJ; at foot of text: “Mr Pascal E. Hubbard”; endorsed by TJ.

1TJ here canceled “says.”

Index Entries

  • Hubbard, Pascal E.; and T. A. Massillon search
  • Hubbard, Pascal E.; letter to search
  • Massillon, Thomas A.; claims acquaintance with TJ search