Thomas Jefferson to Peter S. Du Ponceau, 17 January 1818
To Peter S. Du Ponceau
Monticello Jan. 17. 18.
Dear Sir
Your favors of the 5th & 6th are recieved, and I am sorry it is not in my power to interest any of the Indian agents for you & particularly those of the 4. Southern tribes. these are all new men to me. mr Meigs Agent with the Cherokees would be the most likely to be useful to you.
I recieved last night a letter from mr Harrison, who had been so kind as to give me the pocket MS. of Westover which I had committed to your deposit, and to borrow for me the folio MS. which I mentioned to you in a former letter. he informed me that the owner of this last will not consent that it shall go out of my hands, but consents to my retaining it until I shall have made any extracts from it I chuse. if therefore both your MSS. are defective in any particular date or passage, if you will designate it to me, I will extract from the folio what may be necessary to supply the lacuna. if the government returns my Louisiana MS. it shall certainly be sent to you. I repeat to you the assurance of my great esteem & respect
Th: Jefferson
RC (PPAmP: Thomas Jefferson Papers); addressed: “Peter S. Du Ponceau esq. Philadelphia”; franked; postmarked Milton, 20 Jan.; endorsed by Du Ponceau. PoC (DLC); on verso of reused address cover of William Short to TJ, 12 Nov. 1817; endorsed by TJ.
The 4. southern tribes were the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Creek nations.
Index Entries
- American Philosophical Society, Historical and Literary Committee; and W. Byrd manuscripts search
- American Philosophical Society, Historical and Literary Committee; TJ sends works to search
- American Philosophical Society; and B. de La Harpe manuscript search
- Byrd, William (1674–1744); The History of the Dividing Line search
- Cherokee Indians; U.S. agent for search
- Chickasaw Indians; U.S. agent for search
- Choctaw Indians search
- Creek Indians; agents to search
- Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen; and Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society search
- Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen; letters to search
- Harrison, Benjamin (1787–1842); and W. Byrd manuscripts search
- Harrison, George Evelyn; and W. Byrd’sHistory of the Dividing Line search
- Indians, American; agents for search
- Indians, American; Cherokee search
- Indians, American; Chickasaw search
- Indians, American; Choctaw search
- Indians, American; Creek search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; sends manuscripts search
- Journal historique Concernant l’Etablissement des françois à la Louisianne (B. de La Harpe) search
- La Harpe, Benard de; Journal historique Concernant l’Etablissement des françois à la Louisianne search
- Louisiana (Spanish and French colony); Journal historique Concernant l’Etablissement des françois à la Louisianne (B. de La Harpe) search
- Meigs, Return Jonathan (1740–1823); as Indian agent search
- State Department, U.S.; and B. de La Harpe manuscript search
- The History of the Dividing Line (W. Byrd [1674–1744]); manuscript of search