Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Martin Dawson, [ca. 14 January 1818]


Account with Martin Dawson

[ca. 14 Jan. 1818]

Thomas Jefferson Esqr
1817 In account with martin Dawson    
Augt 1 To Watson & Dawson for your a/. due them this date viz
Nov 25 5 Pounds spike nails ⅌ mr Goodman 15 c 75
Jany 14 1 Brass Cock ⅌ note 63
20 1 sett waggon boxes ⅌ note 44lbs 6 d 3 67
28 3 Ps Knapt Cotton no 4. 60 Yards 4/7 45. 87
10 Yards  3 4/4 7. 21
1 Pair Suspenders 1. 50
8 Yards 54 Drab Cloth 13/6 18.
2 Ounces Cold thread 9 d . 25 72 83
29 1 sett waggon boxes 44 pounds 6 d 3 67
Feby 15 5 Yards Blue Cloth. ⅌ note 12/. 10.
2 Dozen Plated Buttons 4/. 1. 34
1 Ounce Coloured thread . 12 11 46
17 6 Dozen Shirt Buttons 1/3 1 25
Aprl 17 1 pair shoes Brushes ⅌ Phil 42
19 4  Cotton Cards no 10 6/9 4 50
29 2 Pound 20 dy1 wrot nails ⅌ R Goodman 36
99 96
July 26 1 hair Broom. ⅌ mr Carden 80
Sept 3 1 Pair wool Cards ⅌ note E Bacon . 83
20 Pound spinning Cotton 38 c 7. 60 8 43
$109 192

MS (MHi); entirely in Dawson’s hand; with covering letter subjoined.

Dawson indicates that some transactions in this account were authorized by a “note.” Probably written by TJ (see similar notes to James Leitch starting at 4 Oct. 1811), none of those referenced above are recorded in SJL and none have been found.

1Abbreviation for “penny.”

2The correct sum is $108.77.

Index Entries

  • Bacon, Edmund; orders goods for TJ search
  • brooms; household search
  • brushes; shoe search
  • building materials; nails search
  • buttons search
  • Carden, Youen; orders goods for TJ search
  • clothing; buttons search
  • clothing; suspenders search
  • cocks (valves) search
  • cotton; cards search
  • cotton; napped search
  • cotton; spinning of search
  • Dawson, Martin; TJ’s account with search
  • Goodman, Mr.; orders goods for TJ search
  • Goodman, Rolin; orders goods for TJ search
  • household articles; brooms search
  • household articles; brushes search
  • household articles; buttons search
  • household articles; cloth search
  • household articles; cotton cards search
  • household articles; thread search
  • household articles; wool cards search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with M. Dawson search
  • nails; purchased by TJ search
  • Phill (Phil) (TJ’s slave); orders goods for TJ search
  • shoes; brushes for search
  • textiles; plain cloth search
  • thread search
  • wagons; boxes for search
  • Watson & Dawson (Milton firm); payments to search
  • wool; cards search