Joel Yancey to Thomas Jefferson, [5 January 1818]
From Joel Yancey
[5 Jan. 1818]
Dicks load.
1 Hhd pork. (16 hogs weighing 2000℔ the back bones & Facees to be deducted) containing 112 peicees 1 Ferkin lard (leaf fat) gross weight1 82℔ 1 Ferkin butter gross weight 54℔ 1 bag dryed peaches weighing 45, and 1 Keg butter 104℔ making in all 158℔ besides the Keg Sent by Johny—we had not time to make the Soap it will be Sent With the Beef in the Spring. there is 10 hogs salted up for your own use here2 and 5 or 6. for the Harvest, the balance I have divided among the People after giving the Overseer his proportion
J Yancey
RC (MHi); undated; addressed: “Mr Thomas Jefferson Monticello” by “Dick”; endorsed by TJ (torn) as received 9 Jan. [1818] from Poplar Forest and so recorded (with 5 Jan. 1818 date of composition) in SJL; notation by TJ beneath endorsement relating to his 11 Jan. 1818 reply to Yancey: “Tobo survey cotton flour.”
johny: John Hemmings.
1. Manuscript: “weeight.”
2. Word interlined.
Index Entries
- beef; sent to TJ search
- butter; sent to TJ search
- Dick (Yellow Dick) (TJ’s slave; b.1767); as wagoner search
- food; beef search
- food; butter search
- food; peaches search
- food; pork search
- Hemmings, John (TJ’s slave; b. ca.1776); travels to and from Poplar Forest search
- household articles; soap search
- lard; sent to TJ search
- peaches; sent to TJ search
- Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); Overseers at; wages for search
- Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); slaves at search
- pork; as pay search
- pork; for slaves search
- pork; supply of search
- pork; transported to and from Poplar Forest search
- slaves; pork for search
- slaves; transport goods search
- soap search
- Yancey, Joel (d.1833); as superintendent of Poplar Forest search
- Yancey, Joel (d.1833); letters from search