Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on Lease of Tufton and Lego to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, [after 1 January 1818]

Notes on Lease of Tufton and Lego to Thomas Jefferson Randolph

[after 1 Jan. 1818]

Memms of an agreement between Thos Jefferson & Thos J. Randolph for the lease of the Tufton & Lego plantations of the sd Th: Jefferson with all the negroes, stock and utensils upon them.

The lease is to continue five years. the negroes are to be maintained, clothed and their taxes and levies1 paid by the lessee, the land taxes by the lessor.

The lessee is not to be restricted in the cultivation of the land, it being understood that he shall cultivate it as he does his own, giving it the same advantages from manure, clover & plaister.

He is not to permit any person to be concerned in the cultivation of the land, as subtenant, partner or otherwise, nor hire out any of the negroes.

The utensils & stock (horses excepted) shall be inventoried as delivered to the lessee, and shall be returned at the end of the lease in number & kind, & in such condition as they shall happen to be, without particular valuation. the horses to be valued, and equal value to be returned at the end of the lease. and an equal quantity of the fall grains to be left sowed as is recieved, and of each equal in kind.

The remainder of the corn made in 1817. after taking out two hundred & sixty barrels, the rye, seed oats, two thirds of the blade fodder, all the tops, shucks Etc. to be left for the use of the places, of which, at the end of the lease, the lessee is to return equal quantities. of the pork fattened at the commencement of the lease 3500.℔ is to be left for the use of the places, & an equal quantity returned at the end of the lease.

The lessor is to furnish barrels for his rent flour, recieving the offal of the flour as an equivalent.   The lessee is to pay to the lessor an annual rent of 350. barrels of flour, in the usual proportion of fine & superfine, 260. barrels of corn, 4000.℔ of pork, 20,000 ℔ of hay or fodder, 300. bushels of oats, 70. bushels of potatoes, 20. bushels of turneps 30. lambs, 6 beeves fatted, fresh butter as has been usually had from the plantations for daily use, straw for litter for the stable, & for cutting as food for the horses.

This lease began on the 1st day of January last, and is signed by the parties this   day of   1818.

Th: Jefferson
Th: J. Randolph2

a list of the negroes delivered & included in the lease, & the stock and utensils.3

at Tufton at Lego
( Bagwell Bartlet
Minerva Charles
Willis. born 1806. Davy Bedford.
Archy 08. ( Eve
Jordan 11. Joshua born 1806 
( Ben. Burwell 09.
Lilly Evelina.
Lucy. 11. ( James. Bedford
Dick Bedford Rachael.
Dick Ned’s Joe 01 
Abram. Lania 05 
( Esther Gloster 07 
Lindsay 13. Washington 10 
Sucky Edmund 13 
Isaiah. 1800. Lindsay. 16 
Jerry jr 02. ( Lucy
John Bedford. Robin 05 
( Virginia Sandy 07 
Robert 11  Molly 14 
Amanda. 15. Melinda. 16.
( Maria. ( Milly 97 
Marshal 14  Sandy 13.
Martin 16  Moses Bedford
( Mary. Bagwell’s Nanny. Bagwell’s 1800 
Washington 05. Robert
Nancy ( Silla
Ned jr Jamy 11 
Philip. Miles 16 
( Rachael Solomon.
Eliza 05.
Ellen 08.
31. 29.
at Tufton at Lego.
1. work horse. 10. y. old 4 f–9. I one eye 1. work horse 10. y. old 4 f–10. I one eye.
1. do 11. y. old. 4 f 11 I. high. 1. do 15. y. old. 4 f 8 I. one eye.
1. do 12. y. old. 4 f. 10 I. 1. small mule.
1. do 13. y. old 4 f 10.I. one eye 1. mule colt. 6. months old.
2 middle sized mules. 4 f. 4 I. 4. work oxen small.
1. very small do deformed. 2. cows.
8. work oxen, small, with yokes 5. heifers 3. y. old
7. cows. 1. steer 3. y. old.
3. heifers 3. y. old 4. yearlings & 1. bull.
3. steers 3. y. old. 19. sheep.
1. heifer 1. y. old 6 breeding sows.
11. calves of last spring. 32. shoats
42. ewes. none old. 6. poll axes.
7. breeding sows 2. mauling axes.
44. sucking pigs. 3. mattocks.
14. shoats. 8. hilling hoes.
2. oxcarts & chain 4. large & 5. small ploughs.
1. horse cart. 3. coulters.
5. large & 7. small ploughs much worn 6. pr plough geer.
7. pr plough geer. 1. lock chain
3. pr wedges 1. stretch chain
9 poll axes 2. pr wedges
9 mattocks 4. scythe blades & cradles.
13. hilling hoes 2. grass blades.
2. stake hoes, for post fences 1. large iron toothed harrow.
5 coulters 1. oxcart
2. large iron toothed harrows 1. wheat fan.
1. reap hook.
1. stake hoe for post fences
1. half bushel & 1. peck measure
1. frow.
10. bags
1. clover seed box

MS (MHi); in TJ’s hand, signed by TJ and Randolph; written on both sides of a single sheet; undated.

Corn blades, tops, shucks etc. were often used as fodder (Betts, Farm Book description begins Edwin M. Betts, ed., Thomas Jefferson’s Farm Book, 1953 (in two separately paginated sections; unless otherwise specified, references are to the second section) description ends , 228, 244).

Writing from Richmond on 22 Dec. 1817, Bernard Peyton congratulated Randolph on his “brightening prospects” and noted, in reference to the above lease, that the arrangement would benefit TJ, because the annual rent “you are to pay will be more than he would ever make under his own direction from the Estate” (RC in ViU: Papers of Thomas Jefferson and the Randolph Family; endorsed by Randolph). Hetty Carr, in an unsigned postscript to her daughter Ellen Carr’s letter of 28 Jan. 1818 from Carr’s-brook to Ellen’s brother Dabney S. Carr, indicated that Randolph had “rented two Plantations & 70 or 80 blacks from his grand Father and gives him in produce what would be equil to 5 thousand dollars” a year, and that “this gives him blacks enough for his own plantations” (RC in ViU: CC; addressed: “Mr Dabney S Carr Baltimore”; stamped; postmarked Charlottesville, 31 Jan.).

silla was TJ’s slave Scilla Gillette.

1Preceding two words interlined.

2Recto ends here.

3Remainder of text is in four adjacent columns, with latter two editorially moved beneath first two.

Index Entries

  • Abram (TJ’s slave; b. ca.1740); on Monticello slave lists search
  • agriculture; and fodder search
  • agriculture; gypsum used in search
  • Amanda (TJ’s slave; b.1815); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Archy (TJ’s slave; b.1808); on Monticello slave lists search
  • axes search
  • Bagwell (TJ’s slave); on Monticello slave lists search
  • barrels search
  • Bartlet (TJ’s slave; b.1786); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Ben (TJ’s slave; b.1785); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Burwell (TJ’s slave; b.1809); on Monticello slave lists search
  • butter; as rent search
  • Carr, Hetty Smith Stevenson (Peter Carr’s wife); and lease of Lego and Tufton search
  • Carr, Hetty Smith Stevenson (Peter Carr’s wife); family of search
  • carts; mentioned search
  • cattle; as rent search
  • cattle; at Lego search
  • cattle; at Tufton search
  • Charles (TJ’s slave; b.1785); on Monticello slave lists search
  • clothing; for slaves search
  • clover; as crop search
  • clover; box search
  • clover; seed search
  • Colbert, Robert (TJ’s slave; b.1799); on Monticello slave lists search
  • corn; as crop search
  • corn; as rent search
  • corn; tops, blades, and shucks search
  • crops; clover search
  • crops; rye search
  • Davy (TJ’s slave; b.1785); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Dick (Little Dick) (TJ’s slave; b.1781); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Edmund (TJ’s slave; b.1813); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Eliza (TJ’s slave; b.1805); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Ellen (TJ’s slave; b.1808); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Esther (TJ’s slave; b.1795); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Eve (TJ’s slave; b.1779); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Evelina (TJ’s slave; b.1797); on Monticello slave lists search
  • flour; as rent search
  • fodder; for horses search
  • fodder; mentioned search
  • food; butter search
  • food; pork search
  • food; potatoes search
  • food; turnips search
  • Gillette, Dick (TJ’s slave; b.1790); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Gillette, Ned (TJ’s slave; b.1760); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Gillette, Ned (TJ’s slave; b.1786); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Gillette, Scilla (TJ’s slave; b.1794); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Gillette, Sucky (TJ’s slave; b.1806); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Gloster (TJ’s slave; b.1807); on Monticello slave lists search
  • gypsum (plaster of paris); used as fertilizer search
  • harrows search
  • hay search
  • Hern, Lilly (TJ’s slave; b.1791); on Monticello slave lists search
  • hoes search
  • horses; as draft animals search
  • horses; fodder for search
  • household articles; bags search
  • Isaiah (TJ’s slave; b.1800); on Monticello slave lists search
  • James (Jame) (TJ’s slave; b. ca.1772); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Jamey (TJ’s slave; b.1811); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; and lease of Lego search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; and lease of Tufton search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Notes on Lease of Tufton and Lego to Thomas Jefferson Randolph search
  • Jerry (TJ’s slave; b.1802); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Joe (TJ’s slave; b.1801); on Monticello slave lists search
  • John (TJ’s slave; b.1785); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Jordan (TJ’s slave; b.1810); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Joshua (Jossy) (TJ’s slave; b.1806); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Lania (TJ’s slave; b.1805); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Lazaria (Maria) (TJ’s slave; b.1797); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Lego (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); lease of search
  • Lego (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); livestock at search
  • Lego (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); slaves at search
  • Lindsay (TJ’s slave; b.1813); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Lindsay (TJ’s slave; b.1816); on Monticello slave lists search
  • livestock; oxen search
  • locks search
  • Lucy (TJ’s slave; b.1783); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Lucy (TJ’s slave; b.1811); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Marshal (TJ’s slave; b.1814); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Martin (TJ’s slave; b.1816); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Mary (TJ’s slave; b.1788); on Monticello slave lists search
  • mattocks search
  • Melinda (TJ’s slave; b.1816); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Miles (TJ’s slave; b.1816); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Milly (TJ’s slave;1797–ca.1819); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Minerva (TJ’s slave; b.1771); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Molly (TJ’s slave; b.1814); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); slaves at listed search
  • Moses (TJ’s slave; b.1792); on Monticello slave lists search
  • mules; as draft animals search
  • Nancy (TJ’s slave; b.1791); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Nanny (TJ’s slave; b. ca.1799); on Monticello slave lists search
  • oats; as rent search
  • oats; seed search
  • oxen; as draft animals search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and lease of Lego and Tufton search
  • Philip (TJ’s slave; b.1796); on Monticello slave lists search
  • pigs; at Lego search
  • pigs; at Tufton search
  • plows; used in agriculture search
  • pork; as rent search
  • pork; supply of search
  • potatoes search
  • Rachael (TJ’s slave; b.1773); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Rachael (TJ’s slave; b.1776); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (TJ’s grandson; Jane Hollins Nicholas Randolph’s husband); leases Tufton and Lego search
  • rent; from Lego search
  • rent; from Tufton search
  • Robert (TJ’s slave; b.1811); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Robin (TJ’s slave; b.1805); on Monticello slave lists search
  • rye; as crop search
  • Sandy (TJ’s slave; b.1807); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Sandy (TJ’s slave; b.1813); on Monticello slave lists search
  • seeds; clover search
  • seeds; oat search
  • sheep; as rent search
  • sheep; at Lego search
  • sheep; at Tufton search
  • slaves; and lease of Lego and Tufton search
  • slaves; clothing for search
  • slaves; taxes on search
  • slaves; TJ lists search
  • Solomon (TJ’s slave; b.1794); on Monticello slave lists search
  • straw search
  • taxes; on land search
  • taxes; on slaves search
  • tools; axes search
  • tools; blades search
  • tools; coulters search
  • tools; for measuring search
  • tools; froes search
  • tools; harrows search
  • tools; hoes search
  • tools; mattocks search
  • tools; reaping hooks search
  • tools; scythes search
  • tools; wedges search
  • tools; wheat fans search
  • Tufton (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); livestock at search
  • Tufton (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); slaves at search
  • Tufton (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); T. J. Randolph’s lease of search
  • turnips; as rent search
  • Virginia (TJ’s slave; b.1793); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Washington (TJ’s slave; b.1805); on Monticello slave lists search
  • Washington (TJ’s slave; b.1810); on Monticello slave lists search
  • wheat; fan search
  • Willis (TJ’s slave; b.1806); on Monticello slave lists search