Thomas Jefferson Papers

Benjamin W. Crowninshield to Thomas Jefferson, 26 December 1817

From Benjamin W. Crowninshield

Navy Department Decr 26th 1817.

Dear Sir,

I have the honour to transmit, Triplicate of a letter, written by my late Brother, during his stay at Marseilles; and I request the favour of you, to communicate any information, which you may have on the subject, that I may know how far it would be proper to interpose friendly offices on behalf of Mr Joshua Dodge.

Your attention to this request, when it may comport with your convenience, will confer a favour on your most obedient Servant.

B. W. Crowninshield

RC (MHi); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Crowninshield; at foot of text in clerk’s hand: “Thomas Jefferson Monticello Va”; endorsed by TJ as received 30 Dec. 1817 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Joseph Milligan, 18 Feb. 1818, on verso; addressed in same clerk’s hand (trimmed): “Thomas Jeffer[. . .] M[. . .]”; postmarked Washington, 26 Dec. FC (DNA: RG 45, ROSN, General Letterbook, 13:141). Enclosure: George Crowninshield to TJ, 30 June 1817.

Index Entries

  • Crowninshield, Benjamin Williams; and J. Dodge search
  • Crowninshield, Benjamin Williams; forwards letter search
  • Crowninshield, Benjamin Williams; letters from search
  • Crowninshield, George; recommends J. Dodge search
  • Dodge, Joshua; as consular candidate search