Thomas Jefferson Papers

Charles Johnston to Thomas Jefferson, [5 December 1817]

From Charles Johnston

Friday morning [5 Dec. 1817]

Chs Johnston requests the pleasure of M[r] Jeffersons Company to dinner tomorrow

RC (DLC: TJ Papers, 213:37962); with PoC of TJ to Wilson Cary Nicholas, 1 May 1818, on verso; partially dated at foot of text; edge trimmed; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr.”

On friday, 5 Dec. 1817, Frances Langhorne wrote her sister Sarah T. Massie from Sandusky, their brother-in-law Charles Johnston’s estate near Lynchburg, that “Mr Johnston intends having a big dinner tomorrow Mr Jefferson is to be of the party and to dine on venson at least that is a dish they seem to admire most” (ViHi: Massie Papers).

Index Entries

  • food; venison search
  • Johnston, Charles; invites TJ to dinner search
  • Johnston, Charles; letters from search
  • Langhorne, Frances Steptoe search
  • Massie, Sarah Tate Steptoe search
  • venison; taste for search