Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on Poplar Forest Survey, 12 December 1817

V. Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on Poplar Forest Survey

Begun at Clarke & Cobb’s red oak corner
N. 62. E 72. po. along a full marked line to his & my corner chesnut in Cobb’s side line
from this Chesnut the f. & a. post oak bears S. 52. E. 23. po.
 which makes that line 148. po. in all from the pointers to the chesnut
then sa. co. contind viz. N. 62. E. 32.  po. to Callaway’s road.
24  ½ po. more to my fork
6.  po. more to supposed corner
62. ½ po. in all.

N. 40. W. 86. po. to the old poplar where the spring was formerly, noted before

N. 78. E. 14½ po. to pile of stones made on the 9th

Note. we this day saw a plain marked forked oak on the S. side of1 Callaway’s road 35. po. above the 2. stones.

MS (ViU: TJP, TB [Thurlow-Berkeley] no. 1136 [532m–2]); written entirely in TJ’s hand on a small scrap; with document no. IX below, TJ’s Notes on Poplar Forest Survey, 17 Dec. 1817, on verso.

f. & a.: fore and aft. sa. co.: same course.

1Preceding four words interlined.

Index Entries

  • Callaway, Richard; and survey of Poplar Forest search
  • Clarke, Mr. (Bedford Co. landowner); and survey of Poplar Forest search
  • Cobbs, William; and survey of Poplar Forest boundaries search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Notes on Poplar Forest Survey search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); roads search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); surveys of search
  • roads; at Poplar Forest search
  • surveying; and Poplar Forest boundaries search