Thomas Jefferson Papers

Valentine W. Southall to Thomas Jefferson, 22 November 1817

From Valentine W. Southall

Charlottesville, Novr 22, 1817,

Dear Sir,

A necessary duty calls me to Washington the first of December, from which I’ve some thought to extend the trip as far as Baltimore, Philadelphia & New York. Tis, therefore, I have, tho’ with Some fear that I am trespassing on your goodness, presumed to ask of you a few letters of introduction to the three latter places. I must beg, however, if it should be in the least repugnant to your feelings or wishes, or inconsistent with the Course prescribed for yourself on subjects of this nature, that you will refuse; as my own advantage which would be derived from them would be less than the idea of causing you a violence to your feelings.

Accept the best wishes for your health and happiness,

V W southall.

P.S. If the application meet with your consent, it will be agreeable to receive the reply by the return mail.


RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 30 Nov. 1817 and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • Southall, Valentine Wood; letters from search
  • Southall, Valentine Wood; requests letters of introduction search
  • Southall, Valentine Wood; travels of search