Thomas Jefferson Papers

James Leitch to Thomas Jefferson, 12 November 1817

From James Leitch

Charlottesville Novr 12th 1817

D. Sir

Mr Dinsmore has this Day Communicated to me that Chas Stewart is anxious & willing to go & Acquire a knowledge of the Hosiery Business—knowing your Anxiety for an Establishment of that kind here I have talked over the Subject with Capt Garrett as to Sending him. he Joins me in approving of the appointment. Should you Concur in Opinion you will please Send the necessary Introduction to Mr Lee—On the Ways & Means to carry this Object into effect at your Leisure you Can Suggest, as a fund will necessarily have to be Created to carry it on—in the mean time I will make any advances untill a Company is formed—but would propose to Divide the Sum necessary to Carry it into effect to be divided into Shares of $50—in haste yours respectfuly

Jas Leitch

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ. Recorded in SJL as received the day it was written.

On an undated cover addressed by Leitch to “Thos Jefferson Esqr Monticello” (MHi), which possibly covered the above letter and which TJ reused for the PoC of his letter to Edmund Bacon printed below at 15 Nov. 1817, Leitch wrote that “a positive Agreement for several Years I think should be entered into with the Person Sent.”

Index Entries

  • Charlottesville, Va.; weavers needed in search
  • Dinsmore, James; and weaver for Charlottesville search
  • Garrett, Alexander; and weaver for Charlottesville search
  • Lee, William (1772–1840); and C. Stewart’s apprenticeship search
  • Leitch, James; and weaver search
  • Leitch, James; letters from search
  • Stewart, Charles; apprenticeship of search
  • textiles; and weaving search