Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: Agreement between David Knight and Central College, 11 October 1817


Agreement between David Knight and Central College

The Subscriber agrees with mr Jefferson to go Immediately to Charlottsville, & there to work faithfully, upon the Central College at the Rate of five Dollars ⅌ Day & his Diet, found, Knight finds his own Lodging. mr Jefferson to pay Knight, five Dollars ⅌ Day, for Two days going, & Two days Returning, & Two Dollars ⅌ Day, for the four Days—for Travelling expences.

David Knight


 S J Harrison

MS (ViU: PP); written on a small scrap in Samuel J. Harrison’s hand, signed by Knight and Harrison; with Knight’s Account with Central College, undated and in Alexander Garrett’s hand, on verso, which indicates that Knight earned $142.50 for 28½ days work, $20 for “4 days comeing to & going from C. College,” and $8 for “4 days finding on way”; and that the account was settled through cash payments to Knight of $30 on 25 Oct. and $140.50 on 12 Nov. 1817.

Index Entries

  • Central College; brickmasons for search
  • Knight, David; and brickwork for Central College search