Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 26 October 1817
To Patrick Gibson
Monticello Oct. 26. 17.
Dear Sir
Mr Colclaser one of my mill tenants informs me he has sent forty odd barrels of flour, to be delivered to your order, and that he shall make it up 50. (a quarter’s rent) and if the river does not admit my sending 50. barrels more from the mill within a few days, I must get an order for that quantity on his stock in Richmond in exchange for so much of mine now in the mill. these supplies are necessary to cover a draught for 190.D. I now make in favor of mr Southal, draughts for my taxes here & in Bedford, and some further draughts I must make the 1st week of next month. the residue of my flour will not go down until December, unless any further occasions should arise of drawing on you. Accept the assurance of my continued friendship & respect1
Th: Jeffers[on]
PoC (Mrs. T. Wilber Chelf, Mrs. Virginius Dabney, and Mrs. Alexander W. Parker, Richmond, 1944; photocopy in ViU: TJP); on verso of reused cover addressed by Joseph Milligan to “James Davidson Esqr or the Teller of the Office of Discount & Deposit Washington”; torn at seal; at foot of text: “Mr Gibson”; endorsed by TJ.
TJ recorded receipt of $150 from Valentine W. Southall (southal) on 29 Sept. 1817 and another $40 on 24 Oct. ( , 2:1338, 1339).
1. Manuscript: “request.”
Index Entries
- Albemarle County, Va.; taxation of property in search
- Bedford County, Va.; taxation on property in search
- Colclaser, Daniel; as miller search
- flour; as rent search
- flour; transported to Richmond search
- Gibson, Patrick; and payments made for TJ search
- Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s flour search
- Gibson, Patrick; letters to search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; debt to V. W. Southall search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; pays taxes search
- Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); flour from search
- rent; from Shadwell mills search
- Richmond, Va.; flour shipped to search
- Shadwell mills; flour from search
- Shadwell mills; rent for search
- Southall, Valentine Wood; TJ’s debt to search
- taxes; TJ pays search