John Vaughan to Thomas Jefferson, 6 October 1817
From John Vaughan
Philad. 6. Oct. 1817
Dr sir.
Having in Vain sought for Bills here & at N York on Leghorn—I have remitted to Mr Thomas Appleton our Consul at Leghorn LeRoy Bayard & Co1 Dft on Mess Hottinguer & Co Paris in his favor, which goes via Havre & will be sent to him accepted viz 2126 Frs at 60 Ds St a 530/ equal to 400$. I could not send the precise sum in Dollars, this will more than indemnify him for that amount—In Augt I wrote to M Appleton that I had the funds & was hunting for a Bill—There was a small loss of 3$ on the Va Notes—There is Still a small ballance in my hands as you will find by reference to the accot Current sent you—I have sent a small Box of Books on board the Hamlet to adress of Mr Patick Gibson of Richmond—
Jn Vaughan
PS—My best respects to M Correa if with You
RC (MHi); postscript adjacent to closing and signature; endorsed by TJ as received 12 Oct. 1817 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Mathew Carey, 29 Dec. 1817, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Monticello Virginia”; stamp canceled; franked; postmarked Philadelphia, 6 Oct. Enclosure not found.
1. Manuscript: “Bayard &o.”
Index Entries
- Appleton, Thomas; and P. Mazzei’s estate search
- Bank of Virginia (Richmond); banknotes of search
- Corrêa da Serra, José; greetings sent to search
- currency; exchange of search
- Gibson, Patrick; and shipments to TJ search
- Hamlet (schooner) search
- Hottinguer & Compagnie (French firm); drafts on search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with J. Vaughan search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; debt to P. Mazzei search
- LeRoy, Bayard & Company (New York firm); and TJ’s debt to P. Mazzei’s estate search
- Mazzei, Philip; TJ’s debt to search
- Vaughan, John; account with TJ search
- Vaughan, John; handles financial transactions search
- Vaughan, John; letters from search
- Vaughan, John; makes payments for TJ search
- Vaughan, John; transmits goods to TJ search