Thomas Jefferson Papers

Craven Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 4 October 1817

From Craven Peyton

Monteagle Octr 4–1817.

D. Sir

I have had several applications for Corn, as I nevar have made Any engagements without first giveing You the refusal, my son calls On You, & by him You will please say—if You think You may want or not my hope is You may not although I think the Crop—much shorter then is beleaved to be.

Very Sincerely Yrs

C. Peyton

RC (ViU: TJP-ER); endorsed by TJ as received 4 Oct. 1817 and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • corn; TJ buys search
  • Peyton, Craven; and corn for TJ search
  • Peyton, Craven; family of search
  • Peyton, Craven; letters from search