Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: Victor Adolphus Sasserno to Stephen Cathalan, 14 August 1817


Victor Adolphus Sasserno to Stephen Cathalan

Nice the 14th august 1817


Seeing that you have the Kindness to be concerned in my favour I take the liberty to answer to your honoured and obliging letter which mr Spreafico has communicated me. You desire of him Some informations on the commercial relations of Nice With the Unite-States of America—, and on the quantity of ships, belonging to that country, that touch at our port; to this; I’ll tell you, Sir, that its commercial business, till now, have been of little consequence and the arrivals not frequent; but the liberty of Seas will certainly render its rapports more important; besides we have every winter a great deal of foreigners, and among them, there are allways Some American families (Unite-States) We expect for many of them this year; they are often troubled for their pass-ports, and obliged to make Steps, that a consul will do them avoid. In Short, we have a consul of every nation; excepting Swedin and Denmark, (who will be Soon named) this does prove that Nice is to be considered as well for its port as for its position on the frontiers.

Excuse, Sir, the trouble I cause you, and be certain, that I shall ever retain the remembrance of your complaisance with the most lively and real Sentiments of gratitude, therefore I dare Say me

Sir! your most obedient and most humble Servant.

Victor Adolphus Sasserno

RC (ViW: TC-JP); in an unidentified hand; dateline adjacent to closing; addressed: “A Monsieur Monsieur Etienne Cathalan Consul Général des Etats unis d’amérique A Marseille”; endorsed by Cathalan: “1817 Nice the 14th August Victor Adolphus Sasserno aged 24 years Received the 18th dto answered the  on the appointment of a Consul of the U. states at Nice, for him Self”; endorsed by TJ: “Sasserno, Victor Adolphus.” Enclosed in enclosure no. 3 below.

Joseph Victor Adolphus Sasserno (b. 1795), merchant and public official, was the son of TJ’s acquaintance Victor Sasserno and a native of Nice. With TJ’s assistance he was appointed United States consul at that city in 1818 and held the position until he was replaced in about 1850. Sasserno helped TJ acquire wine from Europe, 1818–19. He was appointed in 1844 to the honor guard of the king of Sardinia, who ruled Nice throughout Sasserno’s consulship (Sasserno genealogical materials in FrNiADAM: Georges Blondeau Papers; Cathalan to TJ, 19 Mar. 1816, and first enclosure; TJ to John Quincy Adams, 26 Dec. 1817; JEP description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States description ends , 3:115–6, 8:112 [27, 28 Jan. 1818, 4 Jan. 1850]; TJ to Sasserno, 22 Feb., 5 Apr. 1818, 26 May 1819).

Index Entries

  • Cathalan, Stephen (Étienne) (1757–1819); letter to, from J. V. A. Sasserno search
  • Nice; U.S. consul at search
  • Sasserno, Joseph Victor Adolphus; consulship for search
  • Sasserno, Joseph Victor Adolphus; identified search
  • Sasserno, Joseph Victor Adolphus; letter from, to S. Cathalan search