Thomas Jefferson Papers

Hugh Chisholm to Thomas Jefferson, 23 August 1817

From Hugh Chisholm

Charlottesville, Augt 23rd 17.

Dear sir,

I have the satisfaction to inform you, that, in spite of the wet weather, we have completed about eighty thousand bricks; which shall be prepared for burning the last of next week.

I must beg you will not engage the workmen for the building ‘till you again hear from me; which shall be before your deporture from Poplor Forest.

The objection which I made, in my letter to you, against the proposition offered by yourself before you left Albemarle, I must yet make, having, as yet, no reason to withdraw it.

I am, respectfully,

Hugh Chisholm.

RC (MHi); letter and signature in the hand of Valentine W. Southall; endorsed by TJ as received <28> 29 Aug. 1817 and so recorded in SJL. RC (CSmH: JF); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Matthew Pate, 16 Dec. 1817, on verso; addressed by Southall: “Mr Thomas Jefferson, Poplar Forest, near Lynchburg”; franked; postmarked (faint) Charlottesville, [2]4 Aug.

Index Entries

  • building materials; bricks search
  • Central College; brickmasons for search
  • Chisholm, Hugh; and brickwork for Central College search
  • Chisholm, Hugh; letters from search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); TJ visits search