A. F. De Laage to Thomas Jefferson, [13] August 1817
From A. F. De Laage
Lynchburg 12 [13] Aout 1817
J’ai reçu la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire, ainsi que Celles qu’elle renfermait: je manque d’expression, Monsieur, pour vous temoigner toute ma reconnoissance: je ne manquerai certainement pas de me présenter Chez vous pour vous en assurer moi même, aussitot votre Retour du Natural Bridge, ou on m’a dit que vous alliez: Croyez, je vous prie, à la Sincerité de mes Sentiments et au profond respect avec lequel
A. F. De Laage
Editors’ Translation
Lynchburg 12 [13] August 1817
I have received the letter you did me the honor of writing me, as well as those enclosed in it. Words fail, Sir, to express my gratitude. I will certainly plan to present myself at your house to do so in person, as soon as you have returned from the Natural Bridge, where I was told you had gone. Please believe in the sincerity of my feelings and in the most profound respect with which
A. F. De Laage
RC (DLC: TJ Papers, 210:37566); misdated, based on TJ’s erroneous dating of the letter to which this one responds; at foot of text: “Mr Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received <13> 14 Aug. 1817 but recorded under the earlier date in SJL. Translation by Dr. Genevieve Moene.