Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to William Lee, 7 August 1817

To William Lee

Monticello Aug. 7. 17.

Dear Sir

We now send on a young man Michael Graham to be entered as an apprentice to the weaving of knit work according to the offer you were so kind as to make us. he has no funds of his own, but for his necessary expences they will be remitted from hence on his writing to mr James Leitch from time to time as they are wanting, & without any delay. and that he may be liable to no doubt as to them, I make myself personally responsible for them. recommending him to your patronage and good offices I renew to you the assurance of my great esteem and respect

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); on verso of reused address cover of George Ticknor to TJ, 22 Dec. 1816; at foot of text: “William Lee esq.”; endorsed by TJ.

Index Entries

  • Charlottesville, Va.; weavers needed in search
  • clothing; manufacture of search
  • Graham, Michael; as apprentice weaver search
  • Lee, William (1772–1840); letters to search
  • Lee, William (1772–1840); weaving enterprise of search
  • Leitch, James; and weaver search
  • manufacturing; of clothing search