Thomas Jefferson to Harrison Hall, 6 August 1817
To Harrison Hall
Monticello Aug. 6. 17.
I have duly recieved your favor of July 17. I really did not know that I was a subscriber to the Law Journal, or the supposed default should not have happened. I have no written memorandum of it nor does my memory supply it. however in that I have no confidence, and therefore I suppose you are right. I now inclose you 21.D. to wit 6.D for the Portfolio 10.D. for the 5th & 6th vols of the Law Journal & 5.D. for the 7th in advance. as to the Portfolio I shall be glad to be discontinued, as my time is so entirely engrossed by a most oppressive correspondence, that I have scarcely a moment in the day that I can find time to read any thing. I began for example 10. days ago to read the case of Hunter & Fairfax in your last law journal, and altho given every moment I had to spare from writing to the reading of that I am not half thro’. I have not had as much time as would permit me to read a portfolio for many months. it is quite useless therefore for me to engage for what I can never read. when your Digest shall be compleat, I shall wish it to be in a separate volume. I salute you with esteem & respect.
Th: Jefferson
PoC (DLC); on verso of reused address cover to TJ; torn at seal, with missing words rewritten by TJ; at foot of text: “Mr Harrison Hall”; endorsed by TJ; notation by TJ above endorsement: “Newspapers.”
The article on the case of Fairfax’s Devisee v. Hunter’s Lessee was published in the American Law Journal 6 (1817): 313–460. For more on this case, see , 5:228–63, 8:108–26; James Monroe to TJ, 23 Sept. 1815, and note; and TJ to Spencer Roane, 12 Oct. 1815.
Index Entries
- American Law Journal (J. E. Hall) search
- Hall, Harrison; andAmerican Law Journal search
- Hall, Harrison; andPort Folio search
- Hall, Harrison; letters to search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; subscriptions search
- Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee search
- Port Folio; TJ subscribes to search
- subscriptions, for publications; journals search