Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to John Love, 3 August 1817

To John Love

[M]ontic[ello] Aug. 3.1 17.

Dear Sir

Your favor of July 16. came to hand yesterday evening only, and I feel much indebted to the President for having thought of me, & to yourself for giving me an opportunity of procuring a supply of the Lawler wheat for seed. I have heard much of it’s superior security from the fly, and indeed known something of it from an example in my own neighborhood. how it may stand in comparison with our red bearded wheat in other important circumstances we do not know, and therefore I have concluded2 to sow enough of it only to produce my stock of seed for another year. the little necessary for this I get in my own neighborhood and leave therefore the benefit you offer me for the supply of others who will want, with abundant thanks for the preference you have been so good as to offer me. of smut we have had but one example here. I think with you it proceeds from bad or infected grain.   recollecting always with pleasure the scenes of our cooper[ation] in the public councils I pray you to accept assurances of my continu[ed] esteem & respect

Th: Jefferson

PoC (CSmH: JF-BA); on verso of a reused address cover from Thomas Eston Randolph to TJ; dateline faint; torn at seal; at foot of text: “John Love esq.”; endorsed by TJ.

1Reworked from “2.”

2Manuscript: “cocluded.”

Index Entries

  • Hessian fly search
  • Love, John; and wheat search
  • Love, John; letter to search
  • Monroe, James; and wheat for TJ search
  • Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); wheat crop at search
  • wheat; Lawler search
  • wheat; red-bearded search
  • wheat; smut damages search