Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Fernagus De Gelone, 19 June 1817

To Fernagus De Gelone

Monticello June 19. 17.

Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Fernagus de Gelone and incloses1 15. Dollars in discharge of his account under date of May 31. 1817. the Aristophane is expected; all the other books have come safely to hand. he regrets that the Vitruve had been disposed of, as being a small & probably cheap edition of that author.

PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of Fernagus De Gelone to TJ, 31 May 1817; dateline at foot of text; endorsed by TJ.

1Preceding two words interlined.

Index Entries

  • Abregé des Dix Livres d’Architecture de Vitruve (Vitruvius; ed. C. Perrault) search
  • architecture; books on search
  • Aristophanes; Théatre d’Aristophane, avec les fragmens de Ménandre et de Philémon (trans. L. Poinsinet de Sivry) search
  • books; on architecture search
  • Fernagus De Gelone, Jean Louis; letters to search
  • Fernagus De Gelone, Jean Louis; TJ’s account with search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; orders books search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with J. L. Fernagus De Gelone search
  • Perrault, Claude; editsAbregé des Dix Livres d’Architecture de Vitruve (Vitruvius) search
  • Poinsinet de Sivry, Louis; translatesThéatre d’Aristophane, avec les Fragmens de Ménandre et de Philémon (Aristophanes) search
  • Théatre d’Aristophane, avec les fragmens de Ménandre et de Philémon (Aristophanes; trans. L. Poinsinet de Sivry) search
  • Vitruvius; Abregé des Dix Livres d’Architecture de Vitruve (ed. C. Perrault) search