Thomas Jefferson to Daniel Brent, 8 June 1817
To Daniel Brent
Monticello June 8. 17.
Dear Sir
Long indulgence by your predecessors in the direction of the department of State in the privilege of getting my letters to Europe put under the same cover with the official dispatches of the department has encoraged me to ask the same favor of you. my increasing aversion to writing will be a security against any abuse of this favor. on this ground I take the liberty of inclosing a letter to mr Gallatin, and requesting of your goodness to give it a safe passage with the1 dispatches of your office to that legation, and pray you to accept the assurance of my great esteem and respect.
Th: Jefferson
PoC (DLC); at foot of text: “Mr <William> Brent,” with first name presumably canceled by TJ after receipt of Brent’s letter of 20 June 1817. Recorded in SJL as a letter to Daniel Brent. Enclosures: (1) TJ to Albert Gallatin, [before 6 June 1817]. (2) TJ to Stephen Cathalan, [before 6 June 1817]. (3) TJ to de Bure Frères, 6 June 1817. (4) TJ to George Ticknor, [before 6 June 1817]. (5) TJ to David Bailie Warden, 6 June 1817. (6) Enclosure to Frank Carr to TJ, 9 May 1817.
1. Manuscript: “withe.”