Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Thomas Jefferson’s Account with William Mitchell, [April 1817]

Account with William Mitchell

[Apr. 1817]

Wm Mitchell in Account Dr with Th: Jefferson Cr.
 b Bar. flour D.C Bar. flour D. C.
To wheat of 1815. 174– 36 @ 6/ 174 .59 By  2. Bar. SF. flour @ 6.D. 12.
   a balance.  2– 50 @ 5/ 2 .38    1. do @ 12.D. 12.
 b ℔
To wheat of 1816. to wit 191–51 @ 2. D to pay cash bale 383 .03    86. Bar. midlings @ 5.D. 430.
462– @ 5½. b for F. flour  84.    16. do   6.D. 96.
 2– 54 a balance due    60. ℔ bacon   1/ 10.
656.05 By F. flour in excha. for 462.b. wheat @ 5½  84.
 84– 560 .  84.  560. 1
Wm Mitchell in Account Dr Bar. flour D.C with Th: Jefferson Cr
 b ℔ By  2. Bar. S.F.
@ 6.D. 12.
To wheat of 1815. 174–36 } 177.262 in F. flour @ 5½   1. do @ 12.D. 12.
a balance  2–50  32–   86. Bar. midlings @ 5.D. 430.
To wheat of 1816. to wit 280. @ 2.D. to pay cash balance 560 .   16. do @ 6.D. 96.
376.05 in F. flour @ 5½  68–72   60. ℔ bacon @ 1/ 10.
656.05 By F. flour in exchange for wheat @ 5½  84.
  Balance of do still due  16–72
100–72 560 . 100–72 560.

MS (ViU: TJP-ER); entirely in TJ’s hand; undated; endorsed by TJ: “Mitchell Wm Apr. 1817.”

TJ here prepared his account with Mitchell by two variant methods and, evidently preferring the results of the first, canceled the one beneath.

1Both sides of table from this point are struck through with separate diagonal lines.

2Reworked from “176.86.”

Index Entries

  • bacon search
  • flour; price of search
  • food; bacon search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with W. Mitchell search
  • Mitchell, William; account with TJ search
  • wheat; as cash crop search