Thomas Jefferson Papers

Michael H. Walsh to Thomas Jefferson, [11 April 1817]

From Michael H. Walsh

Friday Morng [11 Apr. 1817] Monticello—

To his Excellency Thos Jefferson

To impress a feature of recollection, that cannot be blotted from existance, a stranger, and a foreigner begs leave to realize this feeling, by being admitted to your presence

independant of The high admiration, that republicans reject, your Excellency will permit me to Join in the homage the world pays you—

I have the honour to be your Excellencys devoted humble St

Michael. H. Walsh—

RC (MHi); partially dated at foot of text; addressed: “To his Excellency—Thos Jefferson Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as a letter of 11 Apr. 1817 from Michael A. Walsh received that day and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); Visitors to; Walsh, Michael H. search
  • Walsh, Michael H.; letter from search
  • Walsh, Michael H.; visits Monticello search