Thomas Jefferson Papers

Peter Minor to Thomas Jefferson, 30 March 1817

From Peter Minor

Ridgeway Mar. 30: 17

Dr. Sir

I have recd your packet enclosing a letter to Majr Watson, & a communication to Mr D. Minor. I will take care to send the letter to Majr Watson by a special messenger, as I feel greatly interested in the success of the central college, & if his health will permit I know he will attend: but I hear that he has been a good deal confined of late by the Rheumatism—

I shall as you request peruse your bill in chancery, & will deliver it to Mr Minor early tomorrow. I highly commend the resolution you express to have the footing upon which yourself & the Directors stand as it respects your respective rights, fixd upon a certain basis, & perhaps the mode you propose is finally the best; tho: with the exception of one of the board, I believe the matter could be satisfactorily adjusted without the odium of a law suit, which however freindly it may be called, is apt to leave an asperity behind it, & a great degree of prejudice among those who feel themselves interested; I mean those who use the navigation.

with high Esteem yrs

P Minor

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 30 Mar. 1817 and so recorded in SJL.

The one of the board of the Rivanna Company hostile to TJ was probably William D. Meriwether.

Index Entries

  • Central College, Board of Visitors; meetings of search
  • health; rheumatism search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Bill of Complaint inJefferson v. Rivanna Company search
  • Jefferson v. Rivanna Company; TJ’s bill of complaint in search
  • Meriwether, William Douglas; and Rivanna Company search
  • Minor, Dabney; and Rivanna Company search
  • Minor, Peter; and Central College search
  • Minor, Peter; and Rivanna Company search
  • Minor, Peter; letters from search
  • rheumatism; D. Watson’s search
  • Rivanna Company; directors of search
  • Rivanna Company; navigation rights of search
  • Rivanna River; navigation of search
  • Watson, David (1773–1830); health of search