James Barbour to Thomas Jefferson, 29 March 1817
From James Barbour
Barboursville March 29th 17
Dear Sir
The bearers of this, James Bradley and Edward Ancel are the undertakers of my building—the former a Carpenter—the latter a bricklayer—I have resolved on the plan you were good enough to present me and for which I return you my Sincere thanks—You were kind enough to accompany the plan with a Suggestion that it would be well for my workmen to See your building and receive such verbal explanations as might facilitate their labors. To that end I have directed them to repair to Monticello. I trust you will excuse the trouble I give you tho I am conscious I tax your kindness very heavily—If you have anything in the Seed way which you would recommend and which is not common you will oblige me by sending it
Jas Barbour
RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 30 Mar. 1817 and so recorded in SJL; with unrelated calculation by TJ on verso. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to John Wayles Eppes, 6 June 1817, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr Monticello.”
Edward Ancell (1748–1832), bricklayer, was a native of England who settled first in Calvert County, Maryland. He purchased land in Orange County in 1779 and lived there subsequently (Benjamin Lucius Ancell, Descendants of Edward Ancell of Virginia [1933], 1–2; Orange Co. Deed Book, 17:164–6, 21:358–9; Orange Co. Will Book, 7:451–2).
Index Entries
- Ancell, Edward; and Barboursville plantation search
- Ancell, Edward; identified search
- Ancell, Edward; visits Monticello search
- architecture; TJ advises J. Barbour on search
- Barbour, James; and TJ’s designs for Barboursville search
- Barbour, James; letters from search
- Barbour, James; seeks plants search
- Barboursville (J. Barbour’s Orange Co. plantation) search
- Bradley, James; and Barboursville plantation search
- Bradley, James; visits Monticello search
- Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); Visitors to; Ancell, Edward search
- Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); Visitors to; Bradley, James search