Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Mr. Logan (of Staunton), 17 February 1817

To Mr. Logan (of Staunton)

Monticello Feb. 17. 17.

Dear Sir

I have transcribed and send you according to promise a copy of my Equation of time adapted to the present state of the heavens, and which will not be sensibly variant for a great many years to come. this will enable you to ascertain the defaced figures in the round one I gave you, suited to the form & size of a watch paper. when engraved, a half dozen copies for the use of our family will oblige me. accept my best wishes for your health and success and assurances of my esteem & respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (CSmH: JF-BA); on verso of a reused address cover from John Wayles Eppes to TJ; at foot of text: “Mr Logan”; endorsed by TJ as a letter to Logan at “Staunton” and so recorded in SJL.

For an earlier version of TJ’s equation of time, see his 15 Nov. 1811 letter to Melatiah Nash.

Index Entries

  • clocks; at Monticello search
  • Logan, Mr. (of Staunton); as watchmaker search
  • Logan, Mr. (of Staunton); letter to search
  • Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); clocks at search