Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Smith & Riddle, 9 February 1817

To Smith & Riddle

Monticello Feb. 9. 17.

Messrs Smith and Riddle

I have to ask the favor of you to procure for me from your correspondents in Boston the following window glass of the best quality

50. panes 12. I. square.
50. do 12. by 18. I.
10. do 24. by 18. I.

Mr Gibson my correspondent in Richmond will do me the favor to pay the amount on delivery, and presenting to him this letter. Accept the tender of my respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); on verso of portion of reused address cover to TJ; endorsed by TJ.

Smith & Riddle was a Richmond mercantile firm. Its principal partners, Andrew Smith and Joseph Riddle, began business on 1 May 1815. Their stock initially included plaster of paris, window glass and tumblers from Boston, spermaceti candles, lard, refined Peruvian bark (cinchona), and school Bibles. Later that year the firm added Madeira and other wines to its inventory and offered to supply drafts on New York and Boston. In April 1816 it purchased some of TJ’s flour through Patrick Gibson. The firm dissolved in the spring of 1819, but TJ transacted business with Smith as late as 1821 (Richmond Enquirer, 13 May 1815; Richmond Enquirer, 12 Dec. 1815; John Barnes to TJ, 2 Dec. 1816; Gibson to TJ, 10 May 1816, and enclosure; TJ to Smith & Riddle, 15 June 1819; Smith to TJ, 18 June 1819, 31 July 1821).

Index Entries

  • Boston, Mass.; glass from search
  • building materials; window glass search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and window glass for TJ search
  • Gibson, Patrick; payments made for TJ search
  • glass, window; TJ orders search
  • Riddle, Joseph; as partner in Smith & Riddle search
  • Smith, Andrew; as partner in Smith & Riddle (Richmond firm) search
  • Smith & Riddle (Richmond firm); identified search
  • Smith & Riddle (Richmond firm); letter to search
  • Smith & Riddle (Richmond firm); TJ orders goods from search