Thomas Jefferson Papers

Jerman Baker to Thomas Jefferson, 8 February 1817

From Jerman Baker

Richmond 8 Feby 1817

Dr Sir,

Yours of the 26 Ulto came to hand yesterday After an absence of several weeks from my Seat in the house in consequence of indisposition, I returned on Monday last & found to my very great surprise that Col Yancey availing himself of the absence of Mr Maury Mr Thweatt & myself, had reported a bill incorporating a Company to turnpike the road from Rock Fish Gap to Moores ford. At my motion the Bill was recommitted, & I added to the Comee a day was then fixed on by Mr Y— and myself when the subject was to be taken up, yet strange to tell Mr Y— without giving me any Notice, convened the Committee at an earlier day, and reported the bill without amendment; At this stage of the business Mr Maury resumed his seat in the House yesterday and anticipated me in a motion to lay the bill on the Table, which prevailed, & it will probably not be called up again this Session; However I shall be very watchful and should it be called up think I shall be able to postpone it indefinitely.

The petition of Count Barziza was rejected by the Comee on the ground that it was a Judicial & not a Legislative question, there being other claimants, viz The daughters of the late Mr Lee of Green Spring. One of whom married Mr John Hopkins late Comer of Loans.

Wayles is with Mr Wood & I am much pleased to hear that you will shortly send Francis, like yourself I should have prefered Lynchburg to this place, but Mr Wood objected to the former for the want of Society and a Library.

I return the plat sent Mr Thweatt & myself Mr Yancey never gave us an opportunity of using it.   Be pleased, Sir, to present my affectionate regards to Mrs R. and family. And for yourself accept assurances of my most sincere friendship and profound respect—

Jerman Baker

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 16 Feb. 1817 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to David Higginbotham, 16 Mar. 1817, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esquire Monticello”; franked; postmarked Richmond, 11 Feb.

TJ’s previous letter was dated 25 Jan. 1817, not the 26 ulto. Charles Yancey presented a bill incorporating a company to turnpike the road from rock fish gap to moores ford in the Virginia House of Delegates on 3 Feb. 1817 and reported it without amendment two days later. A motion to table the bill by Thomas W. Maury, his fellow delegate from Albemarle County, was carried on 7 Feb. 1817 (JHD description begins Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia description ends [1816–17 sess.], 187, 194, 200).

The daughters of William Lee were Portia Hodgson and Cornelia Hopkins (U.S. Reports description begins Cases Argued and Decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, 1790–  (title varies; originally issued in distinct editions of separately numbered volumes with U.S. Reports volume numbers retroactively assigned; original volume numbers here given parenthetically) description ends , 17 [4 Wheaton]: 453–65). wayles: John Wayles Baker. francis: Francis Eppes. For the enclosed plat sent mr thweatt & myself, not found, see TJ to Archibald Thweatt, 14 Jan. 1817, and note.

Index Entries

  • Albemarle County, Va.; petitions to General Assembly search
  • Albemarle County, Va.; roads in search
  • Baker, Jerman (1776–1828); and J. W. Baker’s education search
  • Baker, Jerman (1776–1828); and petition of P. I. Barziza search
  • Baker, Jerman (1776–1828); and proposed Albemarle Co. road search
  • Baker, Jerman (1776–1828); letters from search
  • Baker, John Wayles (TJ’s grandnephew); education of search
  • Barziza, Philip Ignatius; and L. L. Paradise estate search
  • Eppes, Francis Wayles (TJ’s grandson); education of, in Richmond search
  • Hodgson, Portia; and L. L. Paradise estate search
  • Hopkins, Cornelia; and L. L. Paradise estate search
  • Hopkins, John (commissioner of loans); and L. L. Paradise estate search
  • Lee, William (1739–95); and L. L. Paradise estate search
  • Lynchburg, Va.; schools in search
  • maps; of Albemarle Co. search
  • Maury, Thomas Walker; and proposed Albemarle Co. road search
  • Moore’s Ford (Albemarle Co.) search
  • Paradise, Lucy Ludwell (John Paradise’s wife); estate of search
  • Randolph, Martha Jefferson (Patsy; TJ’s daughter; Thomas Mann Randolph’s wife); greetings sent to search
  • Richmond, Va.; schools in search
  • roads; in Albemarle Co. search
  • roads; in Va. search
  • Rockfish Gap, Va.; proposed road from search
  • schools and colleges; in Lynchburg search
  • schools and colleges; in Richmond search
  • Thweatt, Archibald; and proposed Albemarle Co. road search
  • Virginia; General Assembly search
  • Wood, John (ca.1775–1822); Richmond school of search
  • Yancey, Charles (1766–ca.1825); and proposed Albemarle Co. road search