Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on the Rent of the Henderson Lands, [by 24 January 1817]

Notes on the Rent of the Henderson Lands

[by 24 Jan. 1817]

Notes for the clear rents of the Upper & Lower fields of Henderson’s lands

1807. Nov. 17.1 possession was delivered by John Henderson.
1808.9. T. E. Randolph pd rent for the Dower house & lands & the upper field 90 
 he then gave up the lands & paid for the house & garden 60.
 consequently the lands had been rated @ 30.
 deduct for the Dower lands 15. as 1565 = 313 of 30.D. 7 
 rent for the upper field for 2. years by T. E. R. & 3. y. to wit 1813. 14. 16.2 by myself  23 
1808. Johnson paid for the Lower field 34.D. it is believed he pd no rent for 1809.10. in considern of the house Etc he built & repaired.3 the rents remitted may be supposed @ 34.D. for 2. years to wit 1809.10.
1811. the rent for the house & lands was settled @ 60.D. and so has continued I suppose the rent of the house may be considered as ⅓ and consequently the lands @ 40.D. for 5. years. to wit 1811–15
fencing. the circumference of the Upper field by the plat is about 323. po. or 1776. yds @ 5. rails to the yard is 8882.4 rails; put up in spring 1813. the side on the river was carried away the following winter & the lower end entirely burnt by the people of Milton, being one half. the remaining half, after 3. years service may be reckoned at half price say therefore 6661. rails lost. cutting & mauling is worth 5.D. the 1000. hauling 40. new rails at a load, & at a mile or mile a day 5 loads would be 200. rails costing 4.D. or 20.D. the thousand, [bu]t say 20.D. for cutting, mauling, & hauling, is 133.22 D for the whole
taxes. th[ey] appear by Peyton’s acct to have been from 1804. to 1809 at 10.58 D the year. about 1813.14 as well as I remember they were somewhat raised, but I do not know how much. set them then @ 10.58 for 7. years (to 1814.) 74.06

 in 1815 the state taxes of my whole land were 113.11 D what part of this was for Henderson’s land I never knew, but suppose ⅕ = 22.62

 but the Congress taxes were immensely higher. the whole assessed to me here was 301.D. how much of this was for land, I know not; but certainly not less than half, say 150.D. of which ⅕ for Henderson’s land 30. D

Rent of  Upper field @  23. Dollars  5. years 115
Lower do 34. 3. years = 102 } 302
40. 5 200
 whole rents 417
Cr.  expence of inclosing 133. 22
taxes for 7. years @ 10.58  74. 06
state do for 1815. 22. 62
Congress do for do 30.
259. 90 259. 90
Balance of rents after deducting taxes & inclosure  157. 10
⅕ is  31. 42

James L. Henderson’s deed for the lands of t[he] 4. younger children was dated 1802. Sep. 18. but John Henderson the legal guardian was in possession of their lands, and refused to deliver possession until 1807. Nov. 17. when he did it.5 but the upper & lower fields alone & the dower were occupied by me or by any body.6 the river lots & back lots laid open and unoccupied. I gave written leases to cut wood on my7 part of the back lots. if the lessees cut any where else it was not by authority from me. they were trespassers and answerable to the owners. I recd rent from them for my own part only, and consequently am answerable for none.

James L. Henderson died June 9. 1813.

Frances Lucy. Nancy
Upper field No 5 No 6 No 7.
Lower do No 8. No 4 No 3.

the lower field has been constantly occupied by Johnson, & consequently no intermission8 of rents.

the upper field was occupied as follows

   1808. } by T. E. Randolph
1810 } uninclosed and unoccupied
1813 } occupied by Th:J.
1815. the fresh having carrd away the river fence it was unoccupied
1816. occupied by Th:J.

MS (ViU: TJP); on reused address cover to TJ; entirely in TJ’s hand; undated; mutilated at seal and top edge chipped; endorsed by TJ: “Arbitration.” Possibly enclosed in TJ to Dabney Minor and Peter Minor, 24 Jan. [1817].

1Manuscript: “27.”

2Text from “to wit” to this point interlined.

3Preceding two words interlined.

4Correct figure is 8,880.

5TJ here canceled “by deed.”

6Preceding four words interlined.

7TJ here canceled “lands.”

8Manuscript: “intemission.”

Index Entries

  • Henderson, Bennett; lands of search
  • Henderson, James L.; and Henderson estate search
  • Henderson, John; and sales by minor heirs search
  • Henderson, John; Deed of Milton Property to C. Peyton search
  • Henderson case; claims by minor heirs search
  • Hornsby, Frances Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; Thomas Walker Hornsby’s wife); and Milton lands search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Notes on the Rent of the Henderson Lands search
  • Johnson, William (boatman); rents Milton lands search
  • Nelson, Nancy Crawford Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; Matthew Nelson’s wife); and Milton lands search
  • Peyton, Craven; and Henderson case search
  • Randolph, Thomas Eston (TJ’s cousin); and Henderson case search
  • rent; due from Henderson lands search
  • taxes; on land search
  • Wood, Lucy Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; John T. Wood’s wife); and Milton lands search