Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Craven Peyton, 30 December 1816

To Craven Peyton

Monticello Dec. 30. 16.

Dear Sir

I lent you some time ago the deed & receipt of John Henderson as to the property of the younger children of Bennet Henderson, which I must ask the favor of you now to send me as it is essential to fix the time when I begin to be accountable for rents, which matter is now immediately to be settled with Capt Meriwether and mr Wood. have you been able to collect any testimony of the age of Bennet the younger. I salute you with esteem and respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); on verso of right half of reused address cover of George Logan to TJ, 16 Oct. 1816; at foot of text: “Mr Peyton”; endorsed by TJ.

TJ had enclosed the deed & receipt of john henderson, both dated 17 Nov. 1807, in his letter to Peyton of 7 May 1814.

Bennett Hillsborough Henderson (bennet the younger), the youngest son of Bennett Henderson, was born on 5 Sept. 1784. He had, therefore, been eighteen years old when his brother James sold his portion of his father’s estate to TJ on 18 Sept. 1802 (Elizabeth Henderson’s affidavit relating to the lands of Bennett Henderson, 22 Nov. 1815 [KyHi]; Haggard, “Henderson Heirs,” description begins Robert F. Haggard, “Thomas Jefferson v. The Heirs of Bennett Henderson, 1795–1818: A Case Study in Caveat Emptor,” MACH 63 (2005): 1–29 description ends 3, 7–8, 26).

Index Entries

  • Henderson, Bennett; lands of search
  • Henderson, Bennett Hillsborough; and Milton lands search
  • Henderson, James L.; and Henderson estate search
  • Henderson, John; and sales by minor heirs search
  • Henderson, John; Deed of Milton Property to C. Peyton search
  • Henderson, John; receipt to C. Peyton for Milton lands search
  • Henderson case; claims by minor heirs search
  • Henderson case; deeds related to search
  • Hornsby, Frances Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; Thomas Walker Hornsby’s wife); and Milton lands search
  • Meriwether, William Douglas; and Henderson case search
  • Nelson, Nancy Crawford Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; Matthew Nelson’s wife); and Milton lands search
  • Peyton, Craven; and Henderson case search
  • Peyton, Craven; deed to from J. Henderson search
  • Peyton, Craven; letters to search
  • rent; due from Henderson lands search
  • Wood, John T.; and Milton lands search
  • Wood, Lucy Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; John T. Wood’s wife); and Milton lands search