Thomas Jefferson Papers

Edwin Stark to Thomas Jefferson, 30 October 1816

From Edwin Stark

Assistant Commys office Norfolk 30th Octr 1816


On my return last evening to this place I found your letter of the 10th Inst

I have the pleasure to inform you the box shipt by Mr Banger of Phila to my care was on the day of its arrival here forwarded to Mr Richard Thweatt of Petersburg with a particular request that he would send it on with as little delay as possible

I am Sir with gt respect Your hbl Servt

Edwin Stark

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 21 Nov. 1816 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 3 Dec. 1816, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esquire Milton Post office Albemarle”; franked; postmarked Norfolk, 2 Nov.

Index Entries

  • Banger, Timothy; and package for TJ search
  • Stark, Edwin; and package for TJ search
  • Stark, Edwin; letters from search
  • Thweatt, Richard Noble; and package for TJ search