Thomas Jefferson Papers

Statement of Account with Thomas M. Randolph & Company, [ca. 19 October 1816]

Statement of Account with Thomas M. Randolph & Company

[ca. 19 Oct. 1816]

Entries taken from Day Book kept by J Kuhn

April 4 Thos Jefferson To 4  barrels of Flour, sent to the Mountain by Isaac
12th  ditto 1  ditto made of unmerchantable Wheat
May 22  ditto 1  ditto ⅌ verbal order of E Bacon deliverd to Jerry
xditto  3  ditto 2nd quality remaining in the Mill
(A) 9

xnote—This entry I suppose was made the day previous to J. Kuhn’s leaving the Mill—by way of closing the Mill accounts—and the present Millers say the Flour has since been deliver’d

(A)—Those 9 barrels; added to 268. Bars 154 ℔ (as per your statement) will make the amount stated in the account furnish’d by TMR & Co, vizt 277. Bars 154 ℔, leaving a balance due to the Mill of 8. bars 175 ℔ Flour—

With respect to the difference in the cash balance between the last acct furnish’d you, and a former acct for 1814/15—it arose from neglecting to include the charges for freight of 5 barrels of Flour of crop 18141 carried to Richmond for you by T E. Randolph’s boat—And the charge for freight of 36 bars is also correct—those 36 barrels were part of the last load sent for you to Gibson—deliverd to Wm Johnson 20th Feby 1816—vizt 16 bars on acct of Crop the freight of which was recd by Wm Johnson—36 bars on account of Rent—on which no freight was received—other arrangements being since made for payment of Rent the 52 were all consider’d as deliver’d on acct of Wheat crop—

The account deliver’d to Th: Jefferson by TMR & Co is defective only on the Debtor side—charge Th: Jefferson with 63. dolls 54 Cts paid him by Th: J. Randolph, and the balance due on acct of Rent will appear to be $56.08, agreeing with Th: Js statement—

MS (MHi); entirely in Thomas Eston Randolph’s hand; undated; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqe”; with Randolph’s penciled note on address leaf: “Colo TMR [Thomas Mann Randolph] will please to deliver this to Mr Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ: “Randolph Thos E. Oct. 19. 16.”

the mountain was Monticello. Daniel Colclaser was one of the present millers at TJ’s Shadwell mills. Neither TJ’s current version of the account (your statement) nor the most recent account furnish’d by tmr & co has been found.

On 22 June 1816 TJ received $63 from his grandson th: j. randolph “& gave him verbal ord. on Thos. E. Randolph for the same, being the balce. of rent to Apr. 1.” (MB description begins James A. Bear Jr. and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767–1826, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1324).

1Preceding three words interlined.

Index Entries

  • Bacon, Edmund; Monticello overseer search
  • boats; transfer goods to and from Richmond search
  • Colclaser, Daniel; as miller search
  • flour; as rent search
  • flour; shipment of search
  • flour; transported to Richmond search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s flour search
  • Isaac (TJ’s slave; b.1768); and TJ’s flour search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with T. M. Randolph & Company search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; and lease of Shadwell mills search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; loan from T. J. Randolph search
  • Jeremiah (Jerry) (TJ’s slave; b.1777); carries flour for TJ search
  • Johnson, William (waterman); carries flour to Richmond search
  • Kuhn, John; as miller search
  • Randolph, Thomas Eston (TJ’s cousin); and Shadwell mills search
  • Randolph, Thomas Eston (TJ’s cousin); boats of, transfer goods search
  • Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (TJ’s grandson; Jane Hollins Nicholas Randolph’s husband); loans TJ money search
  • rent; from Shadwell mills search
  • Richmond, Va.; boats transfer goods to and from search
  • Richmond, Va.; flour shipped to search
  • Shadwell mills; and T. E. Randolph search
  • Shadwell mills; flour from search
  • Shadwell mills; lease of search
  • Shadwell mills; rent for search
  • Thomas M. Randolph & Company (Shadwell Mills, Va.); account with TJ search
  • Thomas M. Randolph & Company (Shadwell Mills, Va.); and TJ’s flour search