Thomas Jefferson Papers

Timothy Banger (for Callender Irvine) to Thomas Jefferson, 26 September 1816

From Timothy Banger (for Callender Irvine)

Commy Generals Office Philadelphia Sepr 26.1 1816


There has been recently discovered in the Military2 Stores near this City, a Box addressed to you,—contents unknown. How this Box Came into the Store; when, or by whom it was delivered, no person there can tell;—it is probable it may have lain there some years. Mr Irvine, being at Erie,3 I have, in obedience to his instructions,4 shipped it on board the Schooner Hamlet, bound to Norfolk, with directions to have it delivered to Edwin Starke Esqr Asst Commissary there; and have requested him to embrace the earliest opportunity of forwarding it to you.

with the highest respect I have the honor to be, Sir, Yr: mo: obt Servant
Timothy Banger,
for Callender Irvine,
Commy General 

RC (MHi); at foot of text: “His Excellency Thos Jefferson late President U. States”; endorsed by TJ as received 5 Oct. 1816 and so recorded in SJL. Dft (DNA: RG 107, LRSW); dated 25 Sept. 1816; filed with Banger to John C. Spencer, 1 Feb. 1842. FC (Lb in DNA: RG 92, ROQG). Enclosed in Banger to TJ, 26 Sept. 1816.

Callender Irvine (1775–1841), public official, graduated in 1794 from Dickinson College in his home state of Pennsylvania. He was a captain in the United States Army’s 2d Regiment of Artillerists and Engineers, 1798–1801, and a federal Indian agent, 1802–03. Irvine subsequently served as the nation’s superintendent of military stores, 1804–12, and as commissary general of purchases, 1812–41. Having joined the Hibernian Society of Philadelphia in 1815, he was its vice president, 1829–41. Irvine died in Philadelphia (Nicholas B. Wainwright, The Irvine Story [1964], 12, 18–9, 52; Dickinson College General Catalogue, 1787–1891 [1892], 7; Heitman, U.S. Army description begins Francis B. Heitman, comp., Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, 1903, 2 vols. description ends , 1:40, 564; JEP description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States description ends , 1:277, 278–9, 2:300, 303 [29 May, 1 June 1798, 9, 10 Nov. 1812]; PTJ description begins Julian P. Boyd, Charles T. Cullen, John Catanzariti, Barbara B. Oberg, and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, 1950– , 39 vols. description ends , 38:274, 628; TJ to James Madison, 18 Aug. 1803 [DLC: Madison Papers, Rives Collection]; John H. Campbell, History of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick and of the Hibernian Society for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland [1892], 197, 435; Philadelphia North American and Daily Advertiser, 12 Oct. 1841).

The contents of the box have not been identified.

1Reworked from “25.”

2FC: “public.”

3Dft: “being absent.”

4Preceding five words interlined in Dft.

Index Entries

  • Banger, Timothy; and package for TJ search
  • Banger, Timothy; letters from search
  • Hamlet (schooner) search
  • Irvine, Callender; and package for TJ search
  • Irvine, Callender; identified search
  • Irvine, Callender; letter from search
  • Stark, Edwin; and package for TJ search