Thomas Jefferson to William W. Hening, 15 September 1816
To William W. Hening
Monticello Sep. 15. 16.
Dear Sir
The Committee of Congress, on the purchase of my library having chosen to take it as stated in the Catalogue, I was not at liberty to retain a single volume. consequently those of your collection of the laws, which you had been so kind as to send me, all went. I have therefore to ask the favor of you to send me a compleat collection of all the volumes you have published, and to have the bill presented to mr Gibson who will pay it. they will come safely by the Charlottesville mail-stage, if put on board in the moment of it’s departure; otherwise they will let it lie in their stage office for months neglected. address it to the Postmaster at Milton. will you also be so good as to tell me when you think the next volume will be out, and how low it will come down as I wish to make now [a com]pleat collection from that date to the present day. indeed [I s]hould be glad to know how low you will continue it. why not to the present day? I salute you with esteem & respect.
Th: Jefferson
PoC (DLC); on verso of reused address cover of William Lee to TJ, 11 May 1816; torn at seal; at foot of text: “Mr Wm W. Hening”; endorsed by TJ.
The committee of congress was the Joint Library Committee.
Index Entries
- Gibson, Patrick; payments made for TJ search
- Hening, William Waller; letters to search
- Hening, William Waller; The Statutes at Large search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; catalogue of search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; orders books search
- law; books on search
- Library of Congress; and library committees of Congress search
- Library of Congress; TJ sells personal library to search
- Library of Congress; TJ’s catalogue of books sold to search
- Milton, Va.; post office at search
- Post Office, U.S.; and mail service search
- Post Office, U.S.; and Va. post offices search
- The Statutes at Large (W. W. Hening); TJ orders search
- Vest, Charles; as postmaster at Milton search
- Virginia; laws of search
- Virginia; post offices in search