David Isaacs to Thomas Jefferson, 5 September 1816
From David Isaacs
Septr 5th 1816
David Isaacs returns Mr Jefferson many thanks for the kindnes he has just bestowed on him and in return, he will acceept I hope of the Perusal of a Sermon which is just come to hand from a friend in Baltimore—Preached to the congregation in Philadelph on the same subject by the reverd Mr Carvalho & with his best wishes for Mr Jeffersons long life and a happy one—
RC (MHi); dateline at foot of text; endorsed by TJ as received 5 Sept. 1816. Enclosure: probably Emanuel N. Carvalho, A Sermon, Preached on Sunday, … July 7, 1816, on occasion of the death of the Rev. Mr. Gershom Mendes Seixas, Pastor of the Hebrew Congregation at New York (Philadelphia, 1816).
TJ may have bestowed on Isaacs, a member of Charlottesville’s small Jewish community, information about the death of Pastor Seixas contained in one of the newspapers to which TJ subscribed (Washington Daily National Intelligencer, 24 Aug. 1816).